What is Hashicorp Vault? Manage your secrets in production.

What is Hashicorp Vault? Manage your secrets in production.


3 min read

What is hashicorp vault?

  • It's a cloud-agnostic secrets management system.

  • API-driven

  • It allows you to safely store and manage sensitive data in hybrid cloud environments

  • Used to generate dynamic short-lived credentials, or encrypt application data on the fly.

    What is a secret?

  • Usernames and passwords

  • Certificates

  • SSH Keys

  • API keys

  • Encryption keys

    • What problems does vault solve?

    • Secrets sprawl

      • Below are some common places where secrets get stored:

        • On a developer's computer in excel or notepad files

        • Hard-coded into the source code.

        • On a sticky note under an engineer's keyboard

        • In a version control system such as GitHub and sometimes exposed publicly.

Vault use cases

  1. Secrets management

    • Centrally store, access, and distribute secrets.
  2. Encrypting application data

    • Keep application data secure with centralized key management
  3. Identity-based Access

    • Authenticate and access different clouds, systems, and endpoints using trusted identities.
  • Secret management

    KV Secrets Engine

  • The idea is to share between the client and the vault. (A client could be a person, user, or application)

  • The client makes a call to the vault with a specific path(In the vault everything is path based)

  • Vault checks its policy for authorizing the client to share the secrets.

  • Encrypting Application Data

  • Vault provides an EAAS(Encryption as a service), also called a transit secrets engine inside the vault.

  • So after encrypting the application data using a vault, now the web server can use or store that data in a database for the next use cases.

  • Vault will not store data, only pass it back to requesting client.

Basic Vault CLI commands

  • Vault by itself will give you a list of many Vault CLI commands.(starts with common ones)

      $ vault
      $ vault version # tells the version of vault
      $ vault read # used to read secrets from vault
      $ vault write #used to write secrets to vault
      $ vault write -h # -h, -help and --help flags can be added to get help for any vault CLI command.
  • Vault Server Modes

  • Vault servers can be run in two different modes:

    1. Dev mode that is only intended for development.

      • It's not secure

      • It stores everything in memory

      • The vault is automatically unsealed

      • The root token can be specified before launching

          $ vault server -dev -h # for help on this command
          $ vault server -dev -dev-root-token-id=root
          # checking the status of our vault server
          $ vault status

        Never store actual secrets on a server run in "Dev" mode.

    2. Prod mode that can be used in QA and production

  • Interacting with vault

      $ vault kv -h
  • Adding secrets:

      $ vault kv put secret/foo bar=baz
  • updating the secret

      $ vault kv put secret/foo bar=baz hello=world
      # now you will see version=2
  • Reading the secret

      $ vault kv get secret/foo
      # we will get the latest version
  • Deleting a secret

      $ vault kv delete secret/foo
      # secret latest version will be deleted for specific version deletion use this flag
      $ vault kv delete -versions=2 secret/foo
      # for storing back our secret use this command
      $ vault kv undelete -versions=2 secret/foo
  • Destroying the secret permanently

      $ vault kv destroy -versions=2 secret/foo

    Seal and unseal concept

    • Vault starts up in a sealed state.

    • Vault can access the physical storage, but can't decrypt it.

    • No operations are possible with the vault except to unseal the vault and check its status of the vault.

    • Vault data is encrypted using the encryption key in the keyring; the keyring is encrypted by the master key; and the master key is encrypted by the unsealed key.

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